Nice sugar numbers in beet


Nice sugar numbers in Henk's beets from Deventer again. 4th year in a row beet seed vitalised : 2019 + 1.4% more sugar, 2020 + 1%, in 2021 0.5% and this year just left out the control strip because ... "we know it now and it costs too much yield".

100t/ha, 17.3% sugar, no fertiliser (farmyard manure only), not sprinkled ...

Once heard around at the Cosun meeting how a few neighbours were doing: rather 90t/ha, sugar between 16.1 and 17.1, sprinkled up to 3x, 250kg KAS spread.

Henk does a few good things besides vitalising: Kinsey supplementation, biology, soil conditioners,... that then ticks in the sugar beet towards the +500-600eur/ha balance.

in News
Nice sugar numbers in beet
Office December 22, 2022
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