Trial vital seed and vital slurry in maize by PVL

Trial vital seed and vital slurry in maize by PVL.

+8% to +12% more cob weight after vitalising seed and/or slurry in a maize trial at PVL in Bocholt. As in previous 'vitalised' maize trials, the increase in cob weight is greater than in whole plant weight.

Differences in cob weight were found to be statistically significant. Additional balance = at least 150 to 300eur/ha.

And that for a flat rate of €300 (this can be used to vitalise maize seed for 150ha or vitalise one day's manure)

In this trial, the "Kinsey correction ofCA/Mg/K" is not yet reflected. This was only implemented just before the cultivation start and may come into play more next year, so to be continued.

The plot with the Micosat coating did not go well. We took some risk with a plot of1.7% OS ... too little for the mycorrhizae to really develop. The plant did try to develop symbiosis (young plantlets stayed behind, typically honours underground development, ...), but the energy invested was ultimately wasted. Another good lesson learned!

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Trial vital seed and vital slurry in maize by PVL
Office November 22, 2022
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