
use the power of shell lime frequencies in the field, in the greenhouse are in the stable

Odoo + afbeelding en tekst


In collaboration with Aqua Aurora, we develop applications of vitalization for agriculture. Aqua Aurora has been a designer of water vitalisers based on shell lime frequencies for many years and has a wealth of test data. This clearly shows a positive effect on human health.

Since the beginning of 2019, we have conducted a whole series of tests with the vitalization of seeds, seed potatoes, planting material, slurry and soil improvers.


In both 2019 and 2020, in potato tests at the Practical Center for Precision Agriculture in Reusel, we achieved an amazing yield by revitalizing slurry. The 2020 trial was carried out on a irrigated plot with very low EC, with the known hot temperatures. The effect of the vitalized slurry was up to + 30% more net yield, with a clear difference in size sorting in particular.

The effects of vitalization on water are already known. In vital water the minerals are more easily absorbed (calcite becomes aragonite, a structure that passes through the cell wall more easily). Perhaps this effect also plays a role in slurry, for soil life and the plant.

Odoo + afbeelding en tekst
Odoo + afbeelding en tekst

Vitalizing planting material also produces beautiful effects:

  • more shoots en tree volume in fruit trees
  • Better crop development in sweet potato and various cabbage varieties
  • more uniform calibers and less damage in leeks ...

Vitalizing seeds already delivered

  • heavier cobs in maize
  • more protein in graine
  • better emergence in grass
  • more suger in beets
Odoo • Tekst en afbeelding
Odoo • Tekst en afbeelding

Pumping slurry through a shell lime vitaliser not only gives a considerable additional yield, but also higher mineral and trace element absorption in the grass. This is apparent from the leaf juice analyses, but is also reflected in the roughage analyzes from separate bales.

The test below was carried out by an independent consultant on their own land.

These and many other tests show that water vitalized with shell lime ensures that minerals and trace elements pass through the cell wall more easily. The vital water acts as asuper-lubricated conveyor belt to provide the cells with nutrition and to easily remove waste products.

It is therefore an excellent idea to always vitalize drinking water for humans and animals. The same applies to the water from the field sprayer, increased absorption can save product.

Seed vitalisation

In this Bio Spelled plot, the vitalized seed suffered much less from the frost. The untreated part has clearly been hit and is much thinner.

The untreaded product therefore benefits from more nutrients per plant (is darker). However, there are so many open spaces that the yield will be lower and weed control becomes a disaster.

Vitalizing seed goes very quickly , 60ha of maize seed is done in just 15 minutes. As with seed potatoes, there is often little difference in emergency or crop condition . When we weigh pumps, we do find a clear difference.

And further ...

Vitalizing cut flowers ensure a longer shelf life. Vital irrigation water gives a higher plant weight in floriculture and better storage in tomatoes. Shell lime vitalizers also find their place in animal feed.

Would you like more about what shell lime vitalizers do for human health? This has been extensively researched by means of electro-acupuncture measurements. Surf to 

You can contact us to purchase all products from Aqua Aurora.

Odoo + afbeelding en tekst
Odoo + afbeelding en tekst
Try it yourself?

The slurry vitalizer can be rented for a day. For a few tens of euros per hectare you can judge for yourself, on your own land.

With the large vitalizer we come to your yard to vitalize seeds, potatoes, etc, as contract work.

Of course you can also have a vitalizer available on a permanent basis.

Interested in the application possibilities or just curious about detailed results?

Send a message or call the Vitale Hotline : +32 476 79 79 11